Understanding pointers in Go
- 2 minutes read - 387 words- double pointers
A pointer (whose value is another variable’s address) which points to another pointer
copying a pointer to another pointer copies the address
copying a de-referenced pointer to another de-referenced pointer updates the value of the one to another
package main
import "fmt"
type DB struct {
Name string
// double pointer
// a pointer which points to another pointer
func wrapperFunc(config **DB) func() error {
return func() error {
cfg := &DB{}
(*cfg).Name = "hello"
*config = cfg
return nil
// config = cfg assigns the address which cfg has to config
// hence dd1 in main() doesn't get impacted
func wrapperFunc1(config *DB) func() error {
return func() error {
cfg := &DB{}
fmt.Println("address of config: ", &config)
fmt.Printf(" wrapperFunc1 A: config is %p, cfg is %p\n", config, cfg)
cfg.Name = "hello"
config = cfg
fmt.Printf(" wrapperFunc1 B: config is %p, cfg is %p\n", config, cfg)
return nil
// *config = *cfg value at address cfg has will be copied to value at the address that config has
// hence dd2 in main() does gets updated
func wrapperFunc2(config *DB) func() error {
return func() error {
cfg := &DB{}
fmt.Printf(" wrapperFunc2 A: config is %p, cfg is %p\n", config, cfg)
cfg.Name = "hello"
fmt.Println("value at ", *cfg)
*config = *cfg
fmt.Printf(" wrapperFunc2 B: config is %p, cfg is %p\n", config, cfg)
return nil
func wrapperFunc3(config *DB) func() error {
return func() error {
config.Name = "hello"
return nil
func wrapperFunc4(config DB) func() error {
return func() error {
config.Name = "hello"
return nil
func main() {
var d *DB
fn := wrapperFunc(&d)
fmt.Printf("d.Name: %q\n", d.Name)
dd1 := &DB{}
fmt.Println("address of dd1: ", &dd1)
fmt.Printf("main A: dd1 is %p\n", dd1)
fn1 := wrapperFunc1(dd1)
fmt.Printf("main B: dd1 is %p\n", dd1)
fmt.Printf("dd1.Name: %q\n", dd1.Name)
dd2 := &DB{}
fmt.Printf("main C: dd2 is %p\n", dd2)
fn2 := wrapperFunc2(dd2)
fmt.Printf("main D: dd2 is %p\n", dd2)
fmt.Printf("dd2.Name: %q\n", dd2.Name)
dd3 := &DB{}
fn3 := wrapperFunc3(dd3)
fmt.Printf("dd3.Name: %q\n", dd3.Name)
dd4 := DB{}
fn4 := wrapperFunc4(dd4)
fmt.Printf("dd4.Name: %q\n", dd4.Name)
Reference: 1. https://dave.cheney.net/2017/04/26/understand-go-pointers-in-less-than-800-words-or-your-money-back 2. https://dave.cheney.net/2017/04/29/there-is-no-pass-by-reference-in-go Note: You can still manipulate the values in a map and channel that would impact. Copying entirely to new value doesn’t impact.